Reader's Workshop
* Read "Just Right" Books
* Students pick books they love!
* Mini-Lessons focus on decoding
and/or comprehension strategies
* Independent time to read, practice,
and respond
* Sharing books we love!
Guided Reading
* 5 times a week- in class and Reading Room daily
* Reading Room
* Students read books at instructional level
* Flexible Groups
* Pull during Reader's Workshop
* Focus on reading and comprehension
* New Curriculum: enVision Math 2.0
*Common Core correlated
*Instructional model to reach all students and their needs
*Enrichment and Reteach opportunities
*Differentiate in multiple modalities
* Write about what they know
*Mini-Lesson focuses on editing, adding details,
having beginning, middle, end, and strategies for
*Conference with individual students
*Time for sharing
Science and Social Studies Themes
* Life Cycle of Plants & Frogs
* Native Americans
* Solar System
* Chinese New Year
* Holidays Around the World
* Oceans
* Simple Machines